Erin Reilly
Children's Director
I have been part of the Christian church since I was four years-old. My parents began looking for a church to attend as a family when I started to ask them questions that they were unsure how to answer. My family was very involved in the church that we began going to. I often joke that it was our second home because we were there whenever the doors were open. Having this kind of connection and positive experience in our church made Jesus real to me as far back as I can remember. I also felt blessed to have a faith of my own, but it wasn't until I met Tim Reilly (my future husband) that my faith was challenged.
I had my first encounter with Tim in high school. He was, needless-to-say, my least favorite person in the whole world. He questioned and made fun of everything I said, stood for, and truly believed. While this was difficult, it pushed me to hold firm to my convictions and model genuine care for someone that didn't believe what I did. Seeing Tim’s life change and witnessing his transformation from an antagonistic atheist to an antagonistic evangelist also did a work in my life. I had never before understood why sharing my own faith was that important, but watching how God used Tim’s story to awaken something in other people began to light a new fire in me too. Tim taught me things that I had never seen in the Word before and doing ministry with him felt like home.
Seeing Tim through God’s eyes helped me to see myself through His eyes as well. I continue to daily understand my purpose and the gifting that He has giving me to further His name. I love seeing and getting to be a part of God’s work in connecting people, especially children, into a closer relationship with Him!
I graduated from San Jose State in 2005 with a Bachelors degree in Child Development and my teaching credential. In 2003 I married Tim, and we have four wonderful children. I have been a Children’s Director off and on for the past 5 years. I love children, my own and other people’s kids. I love reading, running and anything Disney.